Episode 84 - Science and Running: Shalaya Kipp

On this week's show we talk to Olympian, Shalaya Kipp. We discuss her Steeplechase career to date, how she went from trying the barriers to Olympic qualification within just over a year and her experience at London 2012. We talk about her scientific research, her role in the study into the Nike 4% shoe, and the determinants of running economy. 

We announce the winner of the Battle of the Podcast challenge we ran during March, where we pitted ourselves off against the Cloud259 podcast in an effort to see which show (hosts and listeners) were the fastest!

We continue with the Soar Running Grassroots Hero Challenge, where you can nominate the unsung heros who make the world of running a better place.


Episode 85 - Courtney Dauwalter: Developing Mental Toughness


Episode 83 - Stepping up to the Marathon- Molly Huddle